From the center of the Town of Gunnison, drive north on HWY 135 to Almont. Turn right onto road 742 and continue to Taylor Park Reservoir on pavement. When you arrive at the intersection just east of the reservoir, turn left and continue north on 742. After the turnoff for Cottonwood Pass, the road turns to a well-maintained, graded gravel road for the next 8 or more miles to the Dorchester Campground. Continue for another five miles to the abrupt end of 742, in the headwaters of the Taylor River. Much of this last 5 miles was in 1998, still an decent road that passenger vehicles with better-than-average-clearance could drive.
There are numerous small forest service campgrounds between Almont and Taylor Park. You can count 8 of them on the Gunnison NF map. From the reservoir north, there are another 4, plus numerous opportunities to turn off somewhere and primitive camp. You can also camp right at the end of the road, and in the last two miles before the end, there are several primitive sites along the south side of the road.