This route description assumes a traverse from Cassi to UN13,262 (Golden Tops). The mileage and elevation gain estimates are based on a traverse from Cassi. Be sure and read about the descent from Cassi to the connecting saddle. This route description will pick up from the saddle and is simple and straightforward.
From the Cassi - Golden Tops saddle, begin the ascent along the NE ridge of Golden Tops. From a distance, there appears to be a path of sorts leading along the ridge to the summit. It turns out there's not actually a defined path, it's just the way some scree has developed along the ridge. But this final ascent is at least a little easier than the previous Cassi. It was still almost all over rock and rubble, but somewhat more secure than the previous, the rock being generally smaller and there were some areas of small scree and dirt, which gave the appearance of a path. The traverse between the two summits should require no more than about an hour.
From the vantage point of the east summit, this particular peak has a twin summit, a significant distance away and separated by a large, nasty looking gash. All of the beta we had indicated that the east summit you arrive at first is the highest, but the other appears to be of equal height. The register is on the eastern summit. Make your own decision as to whether or not to amble on to the other summit. Lidar evaluation has placed the east summit as the true high point.
For the descent back into Rustler Gulch, we headed back down the NE ridge and found ourselves tempted to depart the ridge and head down a substantial couloir before getting back to the saddle. But we found that gully to be very steep and the dirt/scree to have been hardened so as to make footing difficult, so we continued on to the saddle. Conditions may vary and a snow descent might be nice if you have the right equipment.
From the saddle, head NW into the basin below and you'll find yourself on a huge rock glacier that extends down valley like a giant tongue. This provides a nice opportunity to hone your rock-hopping skills but if you've already done Precarious and Cassi this same day, you'll likely lament having to descend down this uninvited hazard. The best option is to get off the rock glacier to the right hand side at a fairly early opportunity and drop into a developing fork of the main stream. At least down here, you'll eventually find some tundra instead of boulders and further down, lush flowers begin to appear. If you continue to the end of the rock glacier, there will be a very steep and fairly precarious drop onto the tundra below. Once you reach the stream flow, the rock will relent and you can enjoy much more pleasant hiking back to the trail.
Links to other information, routes & trip reports for this peak that may be helpful.